I lvoe Authorgraph. It gives you the ability to sign an ebook and I'm so ready to get my e-sign on. You just sign into your account click "author tools." They have code for non-Wordpress sites and Wordpress sites. You'll be using the non-Wordpress code for Amazon. You just log into KDP and drop it into your detail page. Voila!
I've added the widget to my Amazon detail page for Baby Modeling & Beyond. I'll be adding it to Bumped shortly. What do you think? Do you care to have your ebooks signed or once you read an ebook, you aren't likely to go back to it?
Too bad it's broken no response I twitted emailed and youtube messaged to no avail. Cannot register no verification email sent. pfft
Posted by: Dobydaenger | 01/22/2015 at 10:49 PM
Hi @Dobydaenger, what are you clicking on? The Authorgraph widget works.
Posted by: Kortney's Mom | 01/23/2015 at 12:15 AM